Think Like a Special Agent: Training Session
Beyond Bulletproof By Evy Poumpouras
About this Class
It is naïve to think that others won’t cause you harm. That they won’t take or steal. Hurt or violate. Although we all want to believe in the good of humanity, we must also recognize the truth of it. That there are those who will do what they want at our expense for their own self gain. Why? Power. Greed. Desire. Or just because they can.
What You'll Learn
In this session you are going to learn to think like a special agent. How to see danger coming. How to secure your home and belongings. And all the tricks of the trade used by special agents in the FBI, CIA, and Secret Service.
What you’ll learn:
- The herd mentality and why you should never follow others
- When and where crimes happens and how to steer clear
- To live with awareness, and not in fear
- How to fortify your home for less than $5
- The Dos and Don’ts of travel
“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep. I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”
— Alexander the Great
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