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Protection 101: Q&A Session

The one thing every agent knows is that protection doesn’t happen by accident. It’s not a fluke, and luck doesn’t play a role in its success. When you’re responsible for protecting the world’s most powerful leaders, there’s zero room for error or second guessing. It takes planning, preparation, and the willingness to trust your gut… Continue reading Protection 101: Q&A Session

Matthew Ferrante

This month our Elite Guest Trainer Matthew Ferrante is here to help you avoid becoming the next cybercrime statistic.

Don Saladino 

For the past 20 years, Don has helped actors, athletes, and musicians get into the best shape of their lives.

Najwa Zebian

Elite Guest Trainer Dr. Najwa Zebian is a big believer that words have the power to transform the world through inspiring authentic change.

What Are They Really Saying: Q&A Session

Learning to read and reading comprehension or language spoken and Autistic spectrum or Dyslexia disorder concept as a human head made of Alphabet letters as a symbol for education and mental health in a 3D illustration style.

In this Q&A session, we’ll examine the different situations you deal with when decoding language. Bring your questions and scenarios so we can analyze the verbal cues people use when communicating. And how understanding those indicators can lead to better awareness. Let’s get you locked in, so you have true insight as to the intentions… Continue reading What Are They Really Saying: Q&A Session

What Are They Really Saying: Class Session

Reading comprehension and learning to read or language spoken and Autistic spectrum or Dyslexia disorder concept as a human head made of Alphabet letters as a symbol for education and mental health in a 3D illustration style.

In this month’s training session, we’ll dive deep into the verbal cues to listen for when decoding verbal linguistics. We’ll break down the various stalling tactics, stress indicators, and deceitful language that typically show up when someone’s trying to cloud our judgment and derail our intuition. This training is paramount for anyone looking to truly… Continue reading What Are They Really Saying: Class Session

Mark Brandenburg

As an agent assigned to President Obama’s protection detail, Mark was tasked with ensuring the President’s safety during his highly secretive unannounced trip to Afghanistan.